Standard Cleaning

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After a long day out of the house whether it’s being spent working, running errands or hanging out with your loved ones; the last thing on your mind is cleaning the kitchen. You would much rather chill on the couch or curl up with a good book. As you should, because taking care of yourself is a priority not a luxury. 

Of course, there is not escape from cleaning your home so let The Heavenly Help take care of that for you. With our Standard Cleaning service, we ensure that you come home to cleanliness at the frequency that works best for you and your family. Our talented team of professional cleaners will take care of your house’s needs so you can focus on you!

Our standard package includes quick de-cluttering, vacuuming, and dusting surfaces, as well as mopping all areas. But that’s not it, we’ll make sure the beds are made, tables wiped down and all trash bins emptied. Everyone deserves to come home and find your rooms tidy, welcoming you with clean scents all around. Home should be a place of rest and relaxation, not another task to be done.

The bathrooms are a hotspot and the most frequented rooms in the house, so our standard cleaning service includes cleaning countertops, mirrors, scrubbing toilets, rinsing, and wiping the tub and/or shower. Ahhh, that’s better!

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The next room ranked high on everyone’s cleaning list is her majesty – the kitchen. Whether you are the next Masterchef or just a passerby in your kitchen, you know it does not take a lot to create a mess in the kitchen. Have you ever wanted to bake a cake only to find yourself waist-deep in the oven – scrubbing it three hours later- that’s not the way we are intended live our lives.

Our standard cleaning package provides continuous service and will keep things tidy in your kitchen. We’ll wipe the fridge, clean the countertops, wipe your appliances, scrub the sink, the stove, and inside the microwave. So sit back and relax, we got this. 

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The Heavenly Help | house cleaning services | memphis house cleaners | huntsville house cleaners |

Standard Cleaning brief summary:

  • Kitchen (All countertops wiped clean and sanitized, stove range cleaned and sanitized, sink wiped out and faucets polished, outside cabinets cleaned, microwave cleaned, floor swept and mopped, appliances on countertops wiped out, door frames wiped clean, full dusting of kitchen).
  • Bathrooms (clean mirrors, bathtubs/ showers scrubbed and sanitized, toilet cleaned, sink cleaned, faucet cleaned, shower doors cleaned, floors swept and mopped, door frames dusted)
  • Bedrooms and living spaces (Wipe down all flat surfaces, make bed with new sheets, dust surfaces, dust and wipe down furniture tops, dust air vents, vacuum carpets, mop floors, doors and door frames dusted, ceiling fans dusted, stairs vacuumed)

Housework is a full-time job, and with Heavenly Help, doing it daily  becomes a choice. We feel that everyone should do the job they love and not the one they must.

We’ll do the cleaning so you can do what you love! To schedule your cleaning visit our Booking Page

(Please check the FAQ page for the full list of tasks included in the Standard Cleaning)
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